Albion College Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium

Title: The Maths of Contagion: Why Things Spread and Why They Stop
Speaker:Adam Kucharski
Associate Professor
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Abstract: Why are some diseases predictable, and others swamped in uncertainty? And what about the outbreaks that never happen at all? Adam covers how disease like malaria, Zika, Sars and Covid-19 spread, but also how similar kinds of mathematical models can be used to trace the spread of fake news, and even internet memes.

A talk given at The Royal Institution on 30 June 2020.

Video link plus Q&A
Location: ONLINE

author  = "{Adam Kucharski}",
title   = "{The Maths of Contagion: Why Things Spread and Why They Stop}",
address = "{Albion College Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium}",
month   = "{27 August}",
year    = "{2020}"