Albion College Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium

Title: The Math and Algorithms behind TesselManiac and Tessellations
Speaker:Kevin Lee
Instructor Math/CSCI
Normandale Community College
Bloomington, Minnesota
Abstract: Modern computer graphics cards have GPUs (graphic processing units) that can do several hundred million calculations per second. I will demonstrate my new algorithms that exploit this power to create and animate Escher-like tessellations (tilings) of the plane in real time. Besides being fun, the animations dramatically illustrate the geometry behind the tessellations. I will also discuss how parametric equations, symmetry groups, homogenous coordinates, linear algebra, computational geometry, computer graphics, and data structures all come together to create the algorithms behind the animations. TesselManiac is my third major tessellation program, my previous programs include TesselMania and Tessellation Exploration.
Location: Palenske 227
Time: 3:30 PM

author  = "{Kevin Lee}",
title   = "{The Math and Algorithms behind TesselManiac and Tessellations}",
address = "{Albion College Mathematics and Computer Science Colloquium}",
month   = "{21 February}",
year    = "{2013}"