Albion College
Mathematics and Computer Science
All Parabolas Through Three Non-collinear Points
Michael A. Jones

Associate Editor

Mathematical Reviews

There are an infinite number of parabolas through any three non-collinear points. In this talk, I'll explain how solving a system of three equations and three unknowns and applying rotation matrices can be used to find the parabolas. The parabolas form a one parameter family. Geometric intuition about when a parabola doesn't exist for three specific values of the parameter is verified by recognizing when the equation for the parabola is undefined. Looking at the family from a calculus perspective, one can find the parabola with the widest mouth through the three points. We will use Desmos online software to visualize all the parabolas for an example. This talk is based on an article of the same title that is co-authored with Stanley R. Huddy and is forthcoming in the July 2018 issue of The Mathematical Gazette.
3:30 PM
All are welcome!
Palenske 227
November 2, 2017