Albion College
Mathematics and Computer Science
Liberal Arts at Work: An Albion Applied Mathematics Education
Erich Owens



Columbia University

My time at Albion engendered a deep appreciation for both mathematics and the liberal arts. This has led to appreciation for both sides of the pure/applied dichotomy, forays into related fields (Political Game Theory, Probability Theory and Stochastics, Systems Engineering). I plan to speak about my studies since leaving Albion College, the internship opportunities with NASA and the DoE that have been afforded to me, my time abroad in the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, and the Engineering School's atmosphere at Columbia University (and further reflection on the 3-2 program). I hope to give some sense of the possibilities available to current Mathematics and Computer Science students at Albion College, spread some enthusiasm about the sheer magnitude of what can be studied, and hopefully answer some questions about the pre-engineering program.
3:35 PM
All are welcome!
Palenske 227
September 25, 2008