Albion College
Mathematics and Computer Science
Data Conversion and State Management for Heterogeneous Thread Migration
John P. Walters
Graduate Student
Department of Computer Science
Wayne State University
In long running parallel computations it may sometimes behelpful to migrate individual threads from one machine to another. Thishas applications in fault tolerance as well as runtime performance. However, a typical parallel application will rely on a certain globalstate that may no longer exist once migration has occured. Furthermore,it may be advantageous to migrate a thread to a heterogeneousarchitecture. How can a consistant global state be maintained in such asituation? Here we discuss the data conversion and consistency issuessurrouding heterogeneous thread migration. We show that this can beaccomplished in a method that is completely transparent to theuser/programmer.
3:10 PM
All are welcome!
Palenske 227
February 9, 2006