Albion College
Mathematics and Computer Science
Andy Lake's Talk:  Detectives, Squirrels and BRUW: My Summer At Internet2


Dustin Turner's Talk:  Brainstorming, Barnstorming, and what the heck is there to do in Kansas?
Mr. Andrew Lake
Computer Science Senior
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Albion College


Mr. Dustin Turner
Applied Mathematics and History Junior
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Albion College
Andy Lake's Presentation:  I will discuss my summer internship at Internet2 in Ann Arbor. Internet2 is a consortium of universities and organizations dedicated to building and testing next generation network applications. During my time with Internet2 I worked on a number of projects including the Internet2 Detective, BlackSquirrel, and BRUW. I will discuss the projects in detail in addition to what Internet2 is and how I got started with them.


Dustin Turner's Presentation:  In this talk I will discuss research I did over the summer regarding the implementation of an algorithm for stable differentiation of noisy piecewise smooth data. In addition I will be discussing the REU experience and why students should consider one!
3:10 PM
All are welcome!
Palenske 227
November 17, 2005