HSP 124-02
Albion College
Fall 02021
Discussion Questions for TD, Ch. 17
DL: Emily

  1. On the first page of this chapter, they talk about Star Trek, and how they made a human out of wires and computer chips. What if this actually happened in real life? How would you feel about this event? Would you want this to happen in real life? 

  2. Why do you think it’s important to learn about DNA? What does it help us with? 

  3. Do you think that Jim Watson and Francis Crick were impatient and sloppy with their thinking as the book states? 

  4. Do you think that Jim Watson and Francis Crick were like this to be “first and right” so they would be in the books in the future? 

  5. How were you taught biology in high school? Does your past knowledge help you while doing the reading?  When you were learning about DNA for the first time in school, did you get an analogy any better than the one on page 357?

  6. What did you think of the figure on page 376? 

  7. Do you think it's strange or dangerous that all of this took place just in 1953? 13 years before my parents were born? Are we moving too fast?

  8. What's your opinion on the credit shared for the discovery? Would Franklin deserve a Nobel Prize? Did Wilkins deserve a Nobel Prize?