Why would the act of Penzias and Wilson pointing the telescope towards New York possibly have made a difference in the mysterious noise?
Why were scientists skeptical of Gamow, Alpher, and Herman’s prediction, but seemed to have quickly accepted Penzias and Wilson’s? Was it purely because they were theorists and not experimentalists?
Why do you think Penzias and Wilson were “cautious about attaching any grand cosmological significance to their results?” (Page 419) Was it out of fear of being wrong? And if that’s the case, why did fear stop them when it hadn’t stopped scientists in the past?
Do you think it would be better to be “open and unconstrained” (Lightman, 2005) when it comes to experiments or closed-off and meticulous?
Was Dicke making a bunch of “unusual and fairly unorthodox proposals” to save his idea of an oscillating universe (Lightman, 2005) a wise decision on his part, or was it a bad choice that probably wasn’t worth the fight?