What did you know about Bohr before reading? What did you learn about him after reading?
What do you think would have happened if Bohr and Rutherford didn’t have a “father-son relationship”?
What if Bohr was working with Nicholson, instead of Rutherford?
On page 157 it states “Bohr is keenly aware that his theory hinges on unproved assumptions, that it is incomplete and provisional, just as Einstein called his theory of the light quantum ‘heuristic’” Was it right of them to call it heuristic?
Why does the author bring up Einstein with Bohr’s experiment? Do you think he was important to add?
Do you think there can be words to describe things better than “reappear”, “pass”, “jump” in the atomic world? How could we come up with words and get them in the language?
Why was it Bohr who conceptualized the first quantum model of the atom, why wasn’t it anyone else. Do you think someone could have gotten there first, like Nicholson or Einstein?
“No progress without a paradox” is that a good mantra to have?