Math/CS 299/399 Colloquium in Mathematics & Computer Science I & II Spring 02018  



You will create a resume following the guidelines in the Office of Career Development. See their Resume Handout for information about writing a resume. You can write your resume in either Word or TeX/LaTeX. You may think, "Hey, I am only a sophomore. Why do I need a resume?" I'm glad you asked. Believe it or not, you have marketable skills. You now know more mathematics and/or computer science than most of the billions of other people on this planet. Those skills are great for internships or other summer opportunities. Revising an existing resume is always easier than starting from scratch. This is your excuse to create a solid resume if you have not already done so. There are many job sites that contain information on resume writing.

Rather than having an career objective section, you will include a personal professional mission statement. Part of this course is to have you be a little introspective about yourself and your personal goals. Write them down! You can do a google search for personal mission statements to get some ideas about this area of your resume. This should be a short statement that includes something about your passion for mathematics and/or computer science.

Print this page and submit it with your resume. You will need to meet with me after your draft is written. You will need to include signatures from both the Office of Career Development and your academic advisor.

Grading Form

Comments Possible
Your Name

(Your name here!)
Career Developement
I have met with the above named student, discussed and reviewed their resume. It meets our criteria for a quality resume.

Academic Advisor
I have met with the above named student, discussed and reviewed their resume, including their personal mission statement. The student can clearly articulate their interest in mathematics and/or computer science and their interest is reflected in their personal mission statement.

Personal Mission Statement
This should be a clear and consise reflection of you and one to three sentences in length.
Factual Information
Be as complete as possible in documenting your accomplishments and professional history. This includes dates, job titles, award titles, etc.
Your resume should have a nice consistent format and use whitespace effectively.
Language, Grammar, Punctuations, and Spelling
Your resume should use strong positive language and contain absolutely no errors.
Total Points   30  

Career Development

Visit the Career Development office to learn about Albion's resources and programs. Location: Ferguson suite 103. Open to all students! They look forward to working with you!

Copyright © 1996-2010, David A. Reimann. All rights reserved.